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"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" 2022 Results!

Writer: Demi DressageDemi Dressage

February is always our quietest month, and the added complications of the school half terms across the country being on different weeks not to mention the disruption (and damage, for plenty of unlucky people) caused by Storm Eunice, made this year no exception to that. Our Yellow classes were particularly strong this month, with lots of riders moving up to either Yellow Assisted or riding independently in the main Yellow section for the first time – well done to all those young riders! It was also great to see some Red riders having fun with their ‘Round the Worlds’ in this fun, light-hearted test.

Last month we introduced our *new* Harmony Awards: the ethos of Demi Dressage has always been to encourage kind and correct riding. Many riders will be rewarded for this simply in their placings: a harmonious test is more likely to score higher. However, there are times where we see a particularly pleasing test that might not necessarily be the highest scoring, but pony and rider are working well in partnership together, and that is what our new Harmony Awards are about.

This month we awarded just one Harmony Award - congratulations to Dora and Shortcake (Blue class) for a beautifully ridden first Blue test that was a joy to watch.

Results are published on the Demi Dressage Facebook page as they come in, but are posted here in class order for easy reference :)

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" Results - GREEN

Most of our Green riders seem to have upgraded to Yellow this month - with some huge classes there! Leaving Green and Green Lead Rein to be combined this month due to low entries.

GREEN and GREEN (Lead Rein):

1st - Mia and Charlie - 68.6%

2nd - Louisa and Rainbow (LR) - 67.2%

3rd - Iris and Westie - 66.7%

4th - Bella and Westie - 66.4%

5th - Lucy and Penny (LR) - 63.9%

Our 'Round the World' Special rosette goes to Lucy and Penny

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" Results! - YELLOW

Finishing off with the Yellow classes now... These are always popular across all three sections!

Please remember that we try to be accommodating with our rules on 'Assistance', but our official guidance is this: "Assistance – our Green off lead section and unique Yellow Assisted class allows a person in the arena with the rider for moral support. Leading (of any form, including walking just in front of or beside the pony) is not allowed, and will be classed as Lead Rein. The person may however move around the arena as required."

If the adult holds on to the pony at any point (other than for the Round the Worlds in the Snowman tests!) this also classes as Lead Rein.

We're happy to help guide you if you're unsure! The Yellow Assisted class has really helped a number of riders, many of whom featuring in these results, move from Lead Rein to the main/independent Yellow section - so much so that it is now nearly always our biggest class!


1st - Lila and Mr T - 75%

2nd - Charlie and Pepper - 71.6%

3rd - Martha and Rainbow - 71.4%

4th - Naia and Mr Jones - 70.2%

5th - Lydia and GB - 69.5%

=6th - Maya and Mr T - 65.9%

=6th - Jasmine and Badger - 65.9%

7th - Phillipa and Lilly - 65.7%

8th - Brooke and Just Charlie - 63.4%

YELLOW (Assisted):

1st - Martha and Phoebe - 77.7%

2nd - Olivia and Crunchie - 75.7%

3rd - Elsa and Shamri - 73.2%

=4th - Holly and Shamri - 71.8%

=4th - Jemima and Charlie Boy - 71.8%

=5th - Sophie and Teelings Little Legs - 69.1%

=5th - Hermione and Harvey - 69.1%

6th - Florence and Peppa - 68.4%

YELLOW (Lead Rein):

1st - Summer and Bob - 69.5%

2nd - Quinn and Peppa - 69.1%

3rd - Abigail and GB - 65.9%

4th - Lucy and Penny - 65.7%

Our 'Round the World' Special rosette goes to Jemima and Charlie Boy

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" Results - YELLOW-PLUS

I think this is the smallest Yellow-Plus class we've had for a while (the Yellow entries make up for it ) but a good standard with every rider getting at least one 8.0 mark somewhere in their scores!


1st - Isaac and Robbie - 73.6%

2nd - Sophie and Cobby - 70%

3rd - Abigail and Dennis - 68.3%

4th - Lilly and Sunny - 66.2%

Our 'Round the World' Special rosette goes to Sophie and Cobby

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" Results - BLUE

Our unique Blue tests are very special, because they are the perfect 'introduction to canter' in a test. They are at a level pitched similar to Yellow-Plus, but with the addition of a simple canter movement just down the long sides/edge of the arena.

It's a huge achievement when a young rider makes that transition (pardon the pun!) to 'third gear'! This month I'd like to do a little shout-out to Dora and Shortcake - Dora has competed with Demi since our very beginnings, initially on her mum's horse where she started to come off the lead using our Green tests. Her 'new' pony Shortcake is only a youngster and the two have worked hard to cement themselves at Yellow and Yellow-Plus over the past couple of years. That time turned out to be very well spent indeed as you can see!

We absolutely love supporting young riders on their journeys with us <3


1st - Dora and Shortcake - 73.5%

2nd - Freya and Petal - 70%

3rd - Mathilda and Petal - 66.3%

4th - Amber and Bambi - 65.6%

5th - Lucy and Autumn - 65.4%

Our 'Round the World' Special rosette goes to Freya and Petal

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" Results - RED

Did you know? For two years we had NO entries for the Snowman Red class? It was like the higher level riders were too serious for Round The World ;)

It's great to see our happy little Snowman tests embraced by all levels now!


1st - Sarah and Crackerjack - 72%

2nd - Martha and Jake - 69.6%

3rd - Ffion and Rocky The Rockstar - 68.6%

4th - Jed and Songbird - 67.6%

Our 'Round the World' Special rosette goes to Ffion and Rocky The Rockstar

Well done everyone, we hope you enjoyed February's Fun Dressage!

*Please note this month we had a number of riders sending in their tests filmed in portrait not landscape (turn your phone on it's side!) This unfortunately leads to a -2 mark penalty (standard for online dressage, as it makes the judging so much harder) Please don't throw away marks!*

Spring Into Action for our next events: the "Spring Rabbit" Dressage, sponsored by Tots Tackroom, and the Spring Prix Caprilli. The tests can be downloaded from the Current Event page, and the closing date for both is Sunday 3rd April.


© 2024 Demi Dressage - a trading name of CB Equestrian Ltd, based Hampshire, UK

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